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Acts 2:1-41
There is a fundamental difference between the work of the Spirit upon people in power before Jesus and the Spirit living in Christians since Pentecost.


Acts 2:1-21 – Luke’s account of Pentecost helps us to understand three fundamental aspects of the Holy Spirit’s ministry: giving life, adoption, bringing unity.

Babel, Pentecost and True Community

Acts 2:1-12 – Pentecost begins the reverse of Babel, a restored humanity, reconciled to one another for God’s glory in the Church. This is worked out in the depth of our relationships and authentic community.

1879 Antique Engraving on Pentecost by Gustave Dore

For Your Good, I Am Going Away

John 16:4b-7 – The fact that Jesus going to heaven is better than him staying gives us the benchmark for our experience of the Spirit