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Friendship And Fear

Matthew 17v1-9

What does the transfiguration of Christ have to show us about our relationship with God?

Do Not Be Anxious

Matthew 6:25-34

God has adopted us as his children. Being a good father we do not need to worry as He will provide us with all we need.

Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13-20

Christ empowers believers to live according to His royal law – preserving the world from evil and revealing God’s love.

The Beatitudes

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Matthew 5:1-12

God blesses His people in times and ways they do not expect.

The Beauty of Christ

Matthew 4:12-27

The first four disciples’ immediate response to Jesus points us to the beauty of Christ. The Lord’s beauty is a vital part of our faith, it captures our hearts and inspires us, sustaining and strengthening our faith.

Accepting God’s Plan and God’s People

Matthew 11:2-11

God’s plan and God’s people rarely match our expectations, but that is no bad thing. God calls us to recognise his precious invitation to encounter Christ in them, even when our own nature makes that hard.

Brood of Vipers

Matthew 3: 1-12

Embodied in John the Baptist’s ministry, openness to the prophetic call to renewal and repentance is a vital part of the mature Christian life.

The Sheep & The Goats

Does the fact that we will be judged by our actions to “the least of these” mean that we are only saved if we do enough good works?

The Parable of The Talents

All Christians have been given a priceless treasure in this life that we are to use for God’s glory. Recognising the worth of that gift Jesus warns us about the challenges that prevent us from faithfully discharging our duty: namely laziness, greed and pride.