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January 2020

The Beauty of Christ

Matthew 4:12-27

The first four disciples’ immediate response to Jesus points us to the beauty of Christ. The Lord’s beauty is a vital part of our faith, it captures our hearts and inspires us, sustaining and strengthening our faith.

From Servants to Sons

Isaiah 49v1-7

Like God’s people in exile, we are more than happy to be saved from evil and safe in God’s service, but His plans for us are even bigger: ‘It is too small a thing for you to be called my servant…’

Christ’s Baptism & Our Salvation

Matthew 3:13-17

At Epiphany the Spirit descends on creation through Christ. The whole world is sanctified, changing how we perceive the created order and God’s providence. We go from outsiders to insiders, strangers to God’s family. His awesome holiness is revealed to be his perfect love.